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Corporate Social Responsibility 


We are passionate about a better world for humans, animals and our planet earth. That is why to are committed to raise awareness and funding for causes and charities that are saving our planet and all that are contained within. 

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Reefscapers was founded in 2000 by Marie Saleem and Thomas Le Berre who had a vision to restore coral reefs in the Maldives and worldwide. Reefscapers currently operates in 3 locations across Baa and Kaafu Atolls within the Maldives. They are acutely aware of the threats to coral reefs and their inhabitants and are committed to remaining at the cutting edge of conservation whilst providing high quality education programmes to both visiting tourists and local inhabitants.


Reefscapers expanded to include turtle rehabilitation and conservation in 2010 under the name Marine Savers. The objectives of the turtle rehabilitation program are to provide medical care to injured and debilitated marine turtles, releasing as many of these individuals back into the wild as possible, and re-homing those that would not survive independently to locations where they can act as ambassadors for their species and contribute to global education regarding threats to sea turtles.


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Turtle Rehabilitation 

Marine Sea Turtle Conservation Programme started in 2010. Since its’ inception in 2010 our turtle conservation program has treated over 450 turtles and has an overall release rate of 53%, which is particularly high for a rehabilitation centre. 


  • ï‚· To rescue, rehabilitate, and release stranded sea turtles for     their conservation.

  • ï‚· Provide education and outreach to a wider audience     concerning the threats to sea turtles.

  • ï‚· Carry out cutting-edge research to further our   understanding of sea turtle biology and to assist in their   conservation.


Help us to raise money to empower Reefscapers to continue their incredible work and buy much needed  medical equipment to be used in endangered sea turtle conservation in Baa Atoll, Republic of the Maldives.

The main purpose of their project is to improve the quality of medical care to injured and debilitated turtles over the course of the next decade. They plan to achieve this in 2 phases: firstly by acquiring the equipment necessary to run a field hospital from their current base, and secondly by developing a purpose-fitted veterinary clinic. 

With your funding they can:

  • ï‚· Diagnose fractures, causes of buoyancy syndrome, and       more, using x-ray technology.

  • ï‚· Analyse biological samples to screen for health conditions through hematologic markers.

  • ï‚· Provide safer and more complex surgeries using     anaesthetic monitoring equipment.


Please email if you wish to donate

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Coral Restoration

Since its’ conception in 2005 their coral restoration program has out planted over half a million fragments from over 40 species. Thus far they have out planted over 8000 coral frames across their properties. 


  • ï‚· Guest programs: sponsor a coral frame, build it with us and watch its   growth rate bi-annually.

  • ï‚· Amazing growth: after three years you can witness coral colonies   reproducing sexually.

  • ï‚· Social Impact: Coral frames are designed and made on a local island in   Baa Atoll called Fulhadhoo. This unique opportunity provides   employment for local people and allows them to develop skills outside   of traditional fishing by becoming involved in marine conservation   and   tourism activities.


Reefscapers coral restoration program includes the following projects:

  • ï‚· Guest sponsorship of coral frames.

  • ï‚· Biannual monitoring.

  • ï‚· Artificial Intelligence software to analyse asexual propagation success   rates.

  • ï‚· Reefscapers ‘Coral Spawning Database’.

  • ï‚· Sampling the onset of gametogenesis.

  • ï‚· Small-scale collection of gametes in-situ, fertilisation and settlement   ex-  situ.

  • ï‚· Research being presented in both a poster and oral presentation at the   Maldives Marine Research Symposium 2022.

  • ï‚· Research – Ongoing process of compiling a scientific paper on   observational spawning patterns across two Maldivian Atolls. Additional   paper will include methodology for the first settlement of Acropora spp.   in the Maldives.

Support Reefscapers in the coral restoration program, to halt the further decline of fragile coral reef ecosystems in Baa Atoll, Republic of the Maldives.
The main purpose of their project is to improve ecosystem resilience and advance our knowledge on coral spawning patterns in the Maldives.








Please email if you wish to donate

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41 Devonshire Street, London, W1G 7AG



UK Telephone: +44 203 916 5008



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